Recommended Travel Podcast

Recommended Travel Podcast

Reasons to Book With DriveNow

While international borders are closed dream and plan your next vacation.

If you live in the US, support local tourism and tick a few places off your buck list.          California is a great destination for road trips all year round.

Whet your appetite with the " California Now  " Podcast series

The USA is a great destination for RV, Motorhome rental and travel.

Travel in your own isolation unit.

Compare the best deals and book through


Shelley Richardson

Shelley Richardson

Shelley has been working in the travel industry for over 30 years, in aviation, for tour operators and since 2016 for DriveNow. Having travelled extensively worldwide, alone, as a couple and with her family, Shelley has experience to share about how to make the most of your holiday, especially road-trips to amazing destinations.

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