Now here is some very sound advice. Advice I wish I had been given earlier!
We left Nelligen, bound for Bathurst, and we let our trusty Tom Tom do the talking ... really, really bad idea. We went to Bathurst on a "long cut", via the goat tracks of southern NSW. I swear these roads had not been used for many, many, many months (see attached picture). We were on this particular road for four hours, so a five-hour trip turned into an eight-hour trip. I guess the scenery was spectacular and it did give us an insight into a road definitely less travelled, so I am thankful for that, although not very thankful with four kids in the back. So, here's an important rule: when travelling in the country, don’t use your Sat Nav! Stick to trusty maps and common sense.
Once we finally arrived at Bathurst we were pleasantly surprised. I was expecting a town of petrol heads and boy racers ... well, there are plenty of them, but Bathurst has so much to offer in a historical sense too. And I mean plenty! The botanical gardens are an absolute treasure. They have a plaque walkway with all the original families who settled there 120 years ago. You could easily spend an entire morning here, just reading up and learning about early life for the farmers in the area. And you never know - you just might find the rest of your family tree.
Catch The Great Australian Doorstep on Foxtel's How To channel.